About Me
My name is Binhang Qi (齐斌航). Currently, I am a postdoc at National University of Singapore, working with Prof. Jin-Song Dong and Prof. Yun Lin. Before joining NUS, I received my PhD degree from School of Computer Science and Engineering at Beihang University (BUAA), where I worked on software engineering, DNN modularization, model reuse, etc, supervised by Prof. Hailong Sun. I earned my bachelor’s degree at Software College of Northeastern University.
[03/2025] I join the Program Commitee of ASE’25, please consider to submit your work and attend the conference.
[04/2024] Our paper ModelFoundry: A Tool for DNN Modularization and On-demand Model Reuse has been accepted by the FSE’24 Demonstration track.
[02/2024] Our ICSE’24 paper Modularizing while Training: A New Paradigm for Modularizing DNN Models has been selected for an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.
[02/2024] I joined National University of Singapore as a postdoc under the supervision of Prof. Jin-Song Dong.
[12/2023] I have successfully defended my PhD thesis. Congrats to myself.
[11/2023] Our paper Reusing Convolutional Neural Network Models through Modularization and Composition has been accepted by the TOSEM.
[09/2023] I obtain China National Scholarship.
[08/2023] Our paper AutoMRM: A Model Retrieval Method Based on Multimodal Query and Meta-learning has been accepted by the CIKM’23.
[06/2023] Our paper Modularizing while Training: A New Paradigm for Modularizing DNN Models has been accepted by the ICSE’24 technical track.
[12/2022] Our paper Reusing Deep Neural Network Models through Model Re-engineering has been accepted by the ICSE’23 technical track.
[04/2022] Our paper Patching Weak Convolutional Neural Network Models through Modularization and Composition has been accepted by the ASE’22 research papers track.
Selected Publications
ModelFoundry: A Tool for DNN Modularization and On-demand Model Reuse (accepted)
Xiaohan Bi, Ruobing Zhao, Binhang Qi, Hailong Sun, Xiang Gao, Yue Yu, Xiaojun Liang
The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) - Demonstration track, 2024. -
Modularizing while Training: A New Paradigm for Modularizing DNN Models
Binhang Qi, Hailong Sun, Hongyu Zhang, Ruobing Zhao, Xiang Gao
The 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2024.
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award -
Reusing Convolutional Neural Network Models through Modularization and Composition
Binhang Qi, Hailong Sun, Hongyu Zhang, Xiang Gao
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM). -
Reusing Deep Neural Network Models through Model Re-engineering
Binhang Qi, Hailong Sun, Xiang Gao, Hongyu Zhang, Zhaotian Li, Xudong Liu
The 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2023. -
AutoMRM: A Model Retrieval Method Based on Multimodal Query and Meta-learning
Zhaotian Li, Binhang Qi, Hailong Sun, Xiang Gao
The 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2023. -
Patching Weak Convolutional Neural Network Models through Modularization and Composition
Binhang Qi, Hailong Sun, Xiang Gao, Hongyu Zhang
The 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2022. -
DreamLoc: A deep relevance matching-based framework for bug localization
Binhang Qi, Hailong Sun, Wei Yuan, Hongyu Zhang, Xiangxin Meng
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 71 (1), 2022:235-249.
Selected Awards
- [2024.02] ICSE’24 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
- [2023.09] China National Scholarship.
- [2023.09] Beihang University First Prize Scholarship.
- [2023.04] Outstanding Academic Innovation Achievement Award (Received Twice).
- [2022.12] Outstanding Graduate Student.
- [2021.09] Beihang University First Prize Scholarship.